
For starters, a good training program is just that an actual program, which looks at training as not just a one-time event. What makes a training program different from an orientation program is that it covers a much broader area.
Orientation is an introduction to the organization, the job, the target population, and the community. Even if it goes on through the first few months of employment, it is only an introduction, meant to get a staff member used to her new job.
Why run a training program?
A training program looks like it might involve a fair amount of work and cost some money. Does your organization really need one? The answer is yes, for a number of reasons.
For new staff, there's what seems an obvious answer: a training program is necessary so they can start their jobs with some idea of what they're supposed to do and how to do it. But there are a number of other ways in which a training program can help new staff members
When should you run a training program?
Training for new staff should clearly be conducted as soon as possible after they're hired. The ideal is that it be part of their orientation -- if the orientation period is long or comprehensive enough -- or that it at least starts before they begin work, so they'll know what they're doing. But a well-planned training program should run all throughout the life of the organization.
Staff development should be scheduled regularly, as part of the normal operation of the organization. Probably, at minimum, everyone in the organization should have the opportunity for some ongoing training at least once a month. Some organizations may conduct or sponsor ongoing training much more often, sometimes as part of a weekly or biweekly staff meeting. Such training opportunities could be as low-key as a half-hour presentation at a staff meeting, or as formal as a presentation or workshop by a nationally known expert in the field, depending upon the organization's resources
How do you actually develop and run a training program?
There are four major considerations in developing and running a training program. In the order you need to look at them, they are:
- Planning
- Methods
- Logistics
- Evaluation
Types of Management Training for Employees
Types of management training for employees can fall under a number of primary categories. Well-planned and properly implemented, a management training curriculum helps hone skills, build confidence and create well-rounded managers. Training also helps create, reinforce and maintain your company's culture and mission, which managers may then impart to employees. Even experienced managers new to your organization will benefit from company-specific training, which will aid in developing a unified and uniform management-employee team.
Employee Relations
Since most managers deal with employees, they must be able to relate to them in a way that has a positive effect on morale and productivity. Effective communication, disciplinary action and conflict resolution training are tools that managers will use every day. Managers will need to recognize the different types of communication, how to solve problems and when to take action.
Time Management and Planning
Managers must make the most efficient use of their time. Between managing employees, meetings, paperwork and other tasks, managers can easily feel overwhelmed. Training programs that include time-management, planning, problem-solving and delegation skills will help managers make the most of their time and resources.
Safety and Emergency
Employee safety is a major concern for every business, and managers must be aware of potential risks and how to handle emergencies. Aside from specific job-related safety and emergency procedure training, managers must know policies and protocol concerning emergency evacuations, fire safety, lockdowns and other safety and security-related issues.
Ethics and Harassment
Ethics encompasses many different training areas, including diversity, corporate responsibility and harassment. But any training that deals with the ethical treatment of workers and customers, environmental and legal issues falls under the ethics umbrella. Ethics and harassment are closely related to both the human resources and policies training umbrella.
Policies and Procedures
Understanding company policies and how to implement, monitor and enforce them is another important management training area. Trainings on specific policies, mission statements, quality initiatives and general expectations are common, and managers will need to know the reasoning behind them for employee education and enforcement.
Human Resources
Many managers deal with human resource issues every day. Although policies and procedures may cover some HR ground, mangers who interview, hire, fire and discipline employees must undergo training in these areas, as well as basic employment law. Some employee issues are best referred directly to human resources, and the trainings should outline what a manager should and should not do when such issues arise.
Leadership and Supervisory
Effective managers must learn and develop supervisory, team-building and leadership skills. There are several management styles, and knowing when and how to use them is one of the keys to good management. Managers must also be leaders and supervisors, be educated in the subtle differences between them and how they affect employees and productivity.
Customer Service
Customer service training is not just for employees; managers must be trained in this capacity as well. Customer service training includes many basic elements of other trainings, such as conflict resolution, communication and problem-solving, but is geared toward customer-based issues rather than those of the company or employee. Managers will need to make customer-centric decisions when employees are unsure or unable to, within allowable limits set by company policy